Some ideas for Anzac Day classroom or learning activities for students from NZ History. |
A collection of images, audio, video and stories from a variety of digital collections. |
The Alexander Turnbull Library and the National Library of New Zealand have significant collections relating to all aspects of New Zealand and New Zealanders during the First World War. |
The Maori War Effort at Home and Abroad 1917 - Podcast of historian Monty Soutar, (Ngati Porou, Ngati Awa, Ngai Tai) presenting a paper from the Myriad Faces of War Conference at Te Papa. |
Roll for Maori who served in the First World War. This site is dedicated to the men who served with New Zealand’s 28th (Maori) Battalion during the Second World War, and to their whanau and friends. |
Search Online Cenotaph for biographical and service details for more than 235,000 New Zealand servicemen and women. |